Responsable Principal Titre du Projet Autres responsables Unités de recherche (HydroModE-Lab) Pays d’Implémentation du Projet Echelle du Projet Type de financement/ Institution de Financement et durée
1 Gloriose ALLAKONON Maize deficit Irrigation to improve crop productivity and reduce water loss and soil nutrient mining in Northern Benin Agricultural Water Management Benin National International Foundation of Sciences (IFS) 2019-2021
2 G. Esaie KPADONOU Modeling soil-water, nutrients and soil loss dynamics under tree different tillage systems Prof. Samuel G. K. ADIKU, Dilys S. Mac-Carthy Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics Ghana Régional (Africa) International/ DAAD 2017-2021
3 Gloriose ALLAKONON Exploring opportunities of off-season maize production in a context of climate change in northern Benin : experiment and modeling Agricultural Water Management Benin National Académie de Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES), Belgique 2020
4 Gloriose ALLAKONON Exploring opportunities of off-season maize production in a context of climate change in northern Benin : experiment and modeling Prof. Charles Bielders Agricultural Water Management Benin National Bourse UEMOA 2020
5 Pierre G. TOVIHOUDJI Developing decision support tools regarding fertilizer microdosing under climate change scenarios and mitigation strategies in Benin: case of maize farming systems Agroclimatology and climate change Benin (Regional (Africa) Small grant/ Africa-Climate-Leadership-Program (AFRICLP/CRDI) 2018-2020
6 Pierre G. TOVIHOUDJI Exploring the potential nutrient management options for enhancing soybean productivity and resource use efficiency in smallholder farming systems of Northern Benin Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics Benin National International Foundation of Sciences (IFS) 2018-2020
7 Zakari Sissou Seasonal dissipation and decay of Glyphosate and Sulfur in soils of Xishuanngbana rubber plantations, Southwest China Soil sciences and environmental hydraulics China National Yunnan Provincial Postdoctoral Training Grant 2018-2020
8 Zakari Sissou Seasonal hydrogeochemical processes of Glyphosate and Sulfur in soils of Xishuanngbana rubber plantations, Southwest China Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics China National Post-doctoral Project of Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018-2020
9 Gloriose ALLAKONON Assessing Deficit Irrigation and Supplemental Irrigation as Water Management Strategies for Improving Maize Production in Benin Agricultural Water Management Benin National West African Service Climate Center for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) 2016-2019
10 TCHETAN Tchègoun Blaise Variability and determinants of rice yield in inland valleys under traditional and smart-valleys production systems in northern Bénin (West Africa) Agro-climatology and climate change, Cross-cutting Benin National Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest (PPAAO) 2017-2019
11 ZOHOUN G. Mègnissè B. Inès Justine Analyse de l’efficacité de l’utilisation de variétés de maïs à cycle court dans l’adaptation à la sécheresse au nord Bénin Agro-climatology and climate change, Cross-cutting Benin National Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest (PPAAO) 2017-2019
12 ZANVO Yves Gbèyavèdji Analyse de la vulnérabilité des producteurs face aux effets des changements climatiques et stratégies d’adaptation dans la commune de Parakou au Nord Bénin Agro-climatology and climate change, Cross-cutting Benin National Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest (PPAAO) 2017-2019
13 Pierre G. TOVIHOUDJI Amélioration de la productivité des systèmes de culture à base de maïs au Nord-Bénin par la gestion raisonnée et intégrée des nutriments Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics Benin National Small grant/ PROCAD-PPAAO/MAEP, Bénin. 2014-2018
14 André ADJOGBOTO Improving knowledge on the contribution of Integrated soil nutrients P.B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE, Dougbédji FATONDJI Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics Bénin National Small grant/ African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) Phase III 2015-2016
15 Dagnon Didier LIKPETE Evolution récentes des extrêmes pluviométriques au Nord Bénin dans un contexte de changements climatiques : impact sur la production agricole P. B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE, P. C. Sibiry TRAORE, Andree M.NENKAM Agro-climatology and climate change Bénin (Regional (Africa) Small grant/ African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP)/ IDRC 2015-2016
16 P.B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE Towards autonomous production of vegetables in individual households using capillary irrigation system Agricultural Water Management Bénin National Benin National Government and University of Parakou 2013-2014
17  P.B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE Use of numerical computer simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of farmers’ agricultural management strategies for climate change adaptation in Sub-Saharan West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger and Togo)  Benin, Burkina-Faso, Togo, Niger, Ghana  Regional  START INTERNATIONAL, USA / IDRC 2009-2010