Responsable Principal |
Titre du Projet |
Autres responsables |
Unités de recherche (HydroModE-Lab) |
Pays d’Implémentation du Projet |
Echelle du Projet |
Type de financement/ Institution de Financement et durée |
1 |
Gloriose ALLAKONON |
Maize deficit Irrigation to improve crop productivity and reduce water loss and soil nutrient mining in Northern Benin |
Agricultural Water Management |
Benin |
National |
International Foundation of Sciences (IFS)
2019-2021 |
2 |
Modeling soil-water, nutrients and soil loss dynamics under tree different tillage systems |
Prof. Samuel G. K. ADIKU, Dilys S. Mac-Carthy |
Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics |
Ghana |
Régional (Africa) |
International/ DAAD
2017-2021 |
3 |
Gloriose ALLAKONON |
Exploring opportunities of off-season maize production in a context of climate change in northern Benin : experiment and modeling |
Agricultural Water Management |
Benin |
National |
Académie de Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES), Belgique
2020 |
4 |
Gloriose ALLAKONON |
Exploring opportunities of off-season maize production in a context of climate change in northern Benin : experiment and modeling |
Prof. Charles Bielders |
Agricultural Water Management |
Benin |
National |
Bourse UEMOA
2020 |
5 |
Developing decision support tools regarding fertilizer microdosing under climate change scenarios and mitigation strategies in Benin: case of maize farming systems |
Agroclimatology and climate change |
Benin |
(Regional (Africa) |
Small grant/ Africa-Climate-Leadership-Program (AFRICLP/CRDI)
2018-2020 |
6 |
Exploring the potential nutrient management options for enhancing soybean productivity and resource use efficiency in smallholder farming systems of Northern Benin |
Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics |
Benin |
National |
International Foundation of Sciences (IFS)
2018-2020 |
7 |
Zakari Sissou |
Seasonal dissipation and decay of Glyphosate and Sulfur in soils of Xishuanngbana rubber plantations, Southwest China |
Soil sciences and environmental hydraulics |
China |
National |
Yunnan Provincial Postdoctoral Training Grant
2018-2020 |
8 |
Zakari Sissou |
Seasonal hydrogeochemical processes of Glyphosate and Sulfur in soils of Xishuanngbana rubber plantations, Southwest China |
Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics |
China |
National |
Post-doctoral Project of Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2018-2020 |
9 |
Gloriose ALLAKONON |
Assessing Deficit Irrigation and Supplemental Irrigation as Water Management Strategies for Improving Maize Production in Benin |
Agricultural Water Management |
Benin |
National |
West African Service Climate Center for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) 2016-2019 |
10 |
TCHETAN Tchègoun Blaise |
Variability and determinants of rice yield in inland valleys under traditional and smart-valleys production systems in northern Bénin (West Africa) |
Agro-climatology and climate change,
Cross-cutting |
Benin |
National |
Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest (PPAAO)
2017-2019 |
11 |
ZOHOUN G. Mègnissè B. Inès Justine |
Analyse de l’efficacité de l’utilisation de variétés de maïs à cycle court dans l’adaptation à la sécheresse au nord Bénin |
Agro-climatology and climate change,
Cross-cutting |
Benin |
National |
Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest (PPAAO)
2017-2019 |
12 |
ZANVO Yves Gbèyavèdji |
Analyse de la vulnérabilité des producteurs face aux effets des changements climatiques et stratégies d’adaptation dans la commune de Parakou au Nord Bénin |
Agro-climatology and climate change,
Cross-cutting |
Benin |
National |
Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest (PPAAO)
2017-2019 |
13 |
Amélioration de la productivité des systèmes de culture à base de maïs au Nord-Bénin par la gestion raisonnée et intégrée des nutriments |
Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics |
Benin |
National |
Small grant/ PROCAD-PPAAO/MAEP, Bénin.
2014-2018 |
14 |
Improving knowledge on the contribution of Integrated soil nutrients |
P.B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE, Dougbédji FATONDJI |
Soil Sciences and Environmental hydraulics |
Bénin |
National |
Small grant/ African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) Phase III
2015-2016 |
15 |
Dagnon Didier LIKPETE |
Evolution récentes des extrêmes pluviométriques au Nord Bénin dans un contexte de changements climatiques : impact sur la production agricole |
P. B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE, P. C. Sibiry TRAORE, Andree M.NENKAM |
Agro-climatology and climate change |
Bénin |
(Regional (Africa) |
Small grant/ African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP)/ IDRC
2015-2016 |
16 |
P.B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE |
Towards autonomous production of vegetables in individual households using capillary irrigation system |
Agricultural Water Management |
Bénin |
National |
Benin National Government and University of Parakou
2013-2014 |
17 |
P.B. Irénikatché AKPONIKPE |
Use of numerical computer simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of farmers’ agricultural management strategies for climate change adaptation in Sub-Saharan West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger and Togo) |
Benin, Burkina-Faso, Togo, Niger, Ghana |
Regional |
2009-2010 |