Les projets en cours ou récemment exécutés par le laboratoire sont résumés dans le tableau suivant.

  Project title Funding, amount, duration Partners Responsibility of PSHE
1 Towards autonomous production of vegetables in individual households using capillary irrigation system Benin National Government an University of Parakou 2012-2013 (1Y) None Project leader
2 Design and test of low cost sprinkler irrigation systems based on local materials for market gardening in Benin Benin National Government an University of Parakou 2011-2012 (1Y) None Project coordination
3 Modeling the long-term impact of on-farm management practices on soil carbon dynamics in northern Benin CCAFS-CGIAR USD 15 000 2011-2012 (1Y) None Project coordination
5 Sustainable farmland management for food security in the context of climate change in Inland Valleys of Southern Benin (IV-CC) START, USA 2011-2012 (1Y) Universite d’Abomey Calavi, Benin Project coordination
4 Integrated nutrient and water management for sustainable food production in the Sahel (INuWaM) 2011-2014 IDRC/CRDI Canada 2011-2014 (4Y) UofS Canada IRAN Niger, IER Mali, INERA Burkina, TBSF-CIAT, ICRISAT Niger Modeling component leadership
5 Sustainable Intensification of Integrated Crop-Small Ruminant Production Systems in West Africa ( SIIC-SR) AusAID/CSIRO-CORAFWECARD 2011-2014 (4Y) CSIR, Ghana IER Mali, NARI, Gambia; CSIRO Australia Modeling component leadership
6 Synergizing fertilizer micro-dosing and indigenous vegetable production to enhance food and economic security of West African farmers     IDRC-DFATD-Project 107983 Canada 2015-2018(3Y) UofS, UofM Canada UniOsun, OAU, Université de Parakou Project coordination
7 Appui technique et scientifique pour la valorisation et la gestion intégrée et durable des eaux dans les BAs-FONds au BÉnin pour l’irrigation: BAFONBÉ Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI) Belgique UCLouvain (Belgique), SPW-Wallonie (Belgique), DGR/CBF (Bénin), DGEau (Bénin) Project coordination